The Contract Shop for Entrepreneurs: What You Need to Know

two women sitting on a couch reviewing a contract

Contracts can be a pain even if you’ve been in business for a long time. Even once you understand legal jargon, getting your client to understand it can be a hassle.

The Contract Shop is a great resource for small business entrepreneurs to step up their game (and save time and effort in the meantime). Their contracts put everything in plain English to minimize misunderstandings and headaches in the long run.

Here’s what you need to know as an entrepreneur using the Contract Shop for the first time, from what you can buy to how to learn about navigating the legal world in your business.

Contract Templates

The Contract Shop is the perfect place to snag a contract template to save time and effort. Each template is customizable so you can swap out your business name, client name(s), and other information pertinent to your agreement. Shop by best-sellers or specific industries to find the right fit for you and your business.

These aren’t templates anyone has made. Each contract template provided by the Contract Shop is designed by legal professionals, so you can rest easy knowing they’re the real deal. No Fivver or Canva contracts here!

Personalized Services

Not sure how to customize your new template on your own? Get the Contract Shop to do a customization session with you or review your contract before sending it to clients. You can also get a virtual assistant (like us!) or others experienced with contract customization to look it over.

For example, do you need to see if your cancellation policy protects you as a business owner? It never hurts to double-check that what is written is what you intend. You don’t want to be out hundreds of dollars for work you’ve done because there’s no deposit or other fee to cover work already completed.

a group of women sitting at a table reviewing a client work contract

Browse Contract Templates by Profession

Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, meaning one contract size doesn’t fit all. Shop by category to discover the right contract for your business. Here’s what categories are currently available:

• Artists & Calligraphers
• Coaches
• Consultants
• Designers
• Freelancers & Small Business
• Photographers
• Wedding

Shop from standard contracts to Terms & Conditions and bundles with everything you could ever need.

Guidance Available

Before trying to do everything yourself, remember that there are resources to help you break down what you need to know when using Contract Shop. The blog hosts many helpful guides to easily break down “legalese” jargon into words anyone can understand, from employment law basics to ways to protect your creative properties.

Webinars can also give interactive, live guidance if you need supplemental help beyond reading articles.

New to business entirely? The Contract Shop has a guide for new entrepreneurs, covering everything before, during, and after the process. They also have solid negotiation tips, advice on intellectual property protection, and regulation compliance rules.

Full Support with Likeminded Peers

Think you’re the only one with a question? Probably not. Not only does the Contract Shop provide solid legal templates, but a community of peers who know your unique struggles. After all, the Contract Shop community is filled with entrepreneurs like you, navigating the rewarding (but nonetheless kind of terrifying) business world. Think of it as a Q&A session you can access anytime, anywhere, 24/7.

You Still Need a Real Lawyer

For complicated matters, the Contract Shop is no replacement for a lawyer who can navigate you through highly specific and complex legal issues, like being sued. Sorry, you can’t bring your pretty new contract templates to court to represent you, even if they look really nice.

The Contract Shop should instead be used to answer and simplify your most common small business legal questions and find resources to supplement your current contracts.

Ready to Get Your Own Contracts?

If you’re a small business owner or about to start your own business, the Contract Shop speeds up the creation of a solid contract and provides a supportive community. head to the contract shop and pick out the best templates and bundles for your business!



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